Thursday, August 30, 2012

Winning #BlogFlash2012 Day 30

After a night of being up with a coughing kid and very little sleep, I'm not feeling very winning today. I expected to have this morning to myself while she was at preschool and had planned to get lots done. Instead I hear Go, Diego, Go in the background along with coughing and requests for tissues. Baby girl seems to have a touch of the cold too and won't sleep when I put her down.

Why do I tell you all this? It isn't so I can complain about how rough my day has been and get your parenting sympathies. I tell you because today I am realizing that wins in my world are often small things that might easily be taken for granted.

A good night of sleep, a quiet lunch, time to read, a phone call with a friend, heck even getting a shower by myself. Just one of these little things can help turn around a difficult day. That makes it a little win for me.

#BlogFlash2012: 30 Days, 30 Prompts, 30 Posts

Note: All opinions provided on this blog are my own. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Bookstore links are generally affiliate links and I do earn a small amount for each purchase. Other affiliate links will be noted in the post.
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